Tounge Tie / Frenectomy

Phone: 414-963-9440

Tongue Tie

“Tongue tie” is a condition that restricts the tongue’s range of motion due to soft frenulum tissues that are attached to the muscles of the cheeks and lips. Without proper jaw structure, this condition can cause difficulties from infants to adults with the abilities to eat, sleep, breathe, and more. Also commonly known as ankyloglossia, tongue tie is treatable with minor Frenectomy surgery to loosen or remove the frenulum tissue.


Babies with tongue and lip tie have restricted tongue usage and as a result, most commonly experience breastfeeding, sleep, and breathing deficiencies. Often times, the infant is unable to attach and grasp onto the mother’s breasts. Some common signs of these conditions can occur in both the infant and the mother, and can sometimes be caused by tongue tie. Additionally, the inability to posture the tongue on the roof of the mouth will have negative effects on the formation of the jaw likely causing tooth crowding and contributing to breathing issues as children get older.

Symptoms found in mothers:

  • Smoothed, flat nipples after breastfeeding
  • Nipple discomfort
  • Abnormally long feedings
  • Poor breast drainage
  • Reduced milk production

Symptoms found in infants:

  • Losing grasp of the breast
  • Noisy suckling
  • Leakage on sides of the mouth
  • Insufficient weight gain
  • Coughing and/or gagging
  • Reflux symptoms
  • Snoring sounds when sleeping

A frenectomy is a simple surgery that removes or loosens the baby’s frenulum tissue and releases tongue tie. Post-revision care is crucial to the overall success of the infant’s frenectomy surgery as the baby must now learn how to use their tongue in a new way. While some babies need no help at all breastfeeding post-procedure, others may require professional assistance.


Early detection and correction of tongue tie in children can prevent serious oral problems from happening. Children with tongue tie have challenges performing daily activities such as speaking, breathing and sleeping. Additionally, the inability to posture the tongue on the roof of the mouth will have negative effects on the formation of the jaw likely causing tooth crowding and contributing to breathing issues as children get older.

A simple, corrective solution is a frenectomy. A frenectomy is a minor surgery to release tongue tie by loosening or removing frenulum tissue in the mouth.


Tongue tie in adults leads to chronic headaches, jaw and neck pain, sleep apnea, and other common orthodontic and dental issues. Dr. Graham and her team now know that an adult frenectomy can immediately relieve this daily discomfort and help improve other oral functions. Releasing tongue tie is a part of optimal dental health and can also help patients attain healthy, beautiful smiles.

If you have any questions about tongue tie or frenectomy, schedule a consultation with Dr. Graham today at Lake Park Dental! Our expert team can be reached at (414) 963-9440.

Learn More at:

Untethered Airway Health & Tongue-Tie Center
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Phone: 414-963-9440